
So my internet wasn't working for a few days so I couldn't be on. I'm back now though ^^.

I quit going to the gym because sexist "people" aka men were there. I got a Jillian Michaels workout DVD and I'm actually losing more weight doing that than I was when I was doing the gym.

I'm preparing for NanoWriMo again since I have internet.

I don't have 100 words yet so I'm just going to ramble on.

I didn't eat much yesterday. Less than 500 calories. I just wasn't hungry. I'm going to eat today though. I'm actually really hungry but it's not lunch time yet.

Also, I'm fasting tomorrow (a religious fast. I'm a Christian in case anyone was wondering). Anyway, I don't have to do it, I just want to. It'll be from when I wake up (I would make it from sunrise to sunset, but I don't normally wake up until 9:00-10:45 in the morning) until sunset. I just looked up the sunset time online for tomorrow, and it's 8:35 PM. So after 8:35 PM tomorrow, I'm going to have a nice dinner :)
June 11th, 2015 at 04:44pm