Bucket Gardening!?

So, I've spent literally HOURS searching online about raised bed gardening and I came across growing potatoes in trashcans. Trashcans! Mum and I went to the store today and got some 10 gal. buckets plus gardening soil (specifically for container gardening) and other little odds and ends. I'm so stoked! The only thing I've grown in my life, so far, I didn't really grow it, I just kept it alive. It was some kind of carnation hybrid or something, really pretty, and then it rained... hard, and it died. Then I made four jack o' lanterns last October and I'm a lazy person, I'm not going to lie. So when the pumpkins "melted" I simply kicked them into the rose bushes... like compost, I suppose. And a month ago this vine appeared... you guys I accidentally started growing a pumpkin. Though, I'm not strict on watering the same time every day and insecticide (which I want to stay away from). It's still there and occasionally there are flowers but they seem to immediately fall off, I'm not sure which are male or female. I mean I know that the females have the bulbs on them where the fruit will be but they all look like that... So since I didn't actually plant them on purpose I'm just watching and seeing what happens. But I am going to take care of my potatoes and tomatoes. And then when we get more money we're going to attempt making some raised beds in our backyard for okra and maybe some beans. If all of this goes well I'm going to be so frickin' excited and thank my grandma Georgie in heaven for giving me her awesome plant growing powers!
June 13th, 2015 at 05:47am