What's the Point

Honestly at this point I'm asking myself why even try to keep fixing something that is never going to be fixed yeah I can pretend it's all okay but how am I going to do that when he is talking to other girls and probably seeing others right in my face . They Say The Second Time Is Not A Mistake You Know people cheat because they want to its a choice and it's not something u have to do if your not happy with that person then you tell them and leave but please don't cheat or make them suffer especially after they gave you another chance at this point he thinks it's all games and I know he probably is seeing another girl but I can't bring myself to the reality of it how do I do that . He's going to vegas soon I know he will see girls there he knows a lot of girls there that are friends . Someone who does this is just a cruel disgusting person because you lie and cheat and talk to people you aren't supposed to and you just take it all for granted and don't give a fuck. There's no fixing this because I tried and I'm just blinded by second chances but there is no second chances and I have to face that because I try and I try and he still doesn't respect me he treats me bad . Yes he is nice sometimes but most of the time it isn't right . I just feel so horrible and disgusted because I let him on my heart again and now I think he is breaking it and he thinks that's okay when it's not . He thinks I'm a joke and he laughs at me and he calls me very hurtful names and talks to girls . The really sad part is that I thought he changed but he didn't I guess I had to learn the hard way I just hope this time I can get through it and I won't fall apart like last time . If you aren't happy just leave don't cheat and make that person miserable some people are sensitive and to the girls who go along with it your just as horrible as they are.
June 13th, 2015 at 10:41am