Dear Little Me

Dear Little Me,

This letter isn't meant to criticize you or hurt you. I don't want to make you feel bad about yourself. It is meant to help you be a better you. Because I care about you. Please listen to these few advices, they might be useful for your future.

First of all, dear little me; please don't blame your mother for the things she does that are pissing you off. One day, you'll realize that she was only trying to protect you, that she was only doing those annoying things because she loved you. Dear little me, don't insult her when you're angry at her anymore. Because one day, she will be the only person left in your life and you will regret all the bad things you've said and done to her. When everyone else will be gone, your mother will stay and you'll realize that she is the best mother that you could have asked for. Dear little me, please try to be a better daugter. Because deep down inside of you, you know that your mother loves you to death and that you love her just as much as she does.

Also, dear little me; I hope you could stop being so hard on yourself. I know that it hurts you to look at yourself in the mirror and realize that you'll never be one of those pretty girls you see in the magazines you read. I know it hurts that you'll forever be different and that it won't always be easy for you. But please dear little me, don't cause yourself any pain because of that. Please don't harm your precious body, because those marks will never leave. Please don't cut yourself over something that you didn't chose, over something that makes you you. Dear little me, I wish that you just look at yourself in a mirror and appreciate what you see. Because even though you're different, you still are beautiful. And I wish that you realized it earlier, before you caused yourself all that pain.

Dear little me, I hope that you'll search for help when you'll need it. Because there will come a time in your life where your father will leave you, abandon you. There will come a time where people will start bullying at school. All those events will bring you down. You'll feel like things will never be okay again. I hope that you won't make the same mistakes that I did. Dear little me, when you'll feel like giving up, please go search for help. Find the people who will be able to help you before you do something that you will regret forever. Life is precious dear little me. And when you'll grow up, you will be thankful to whoever is up there. Because you didn't die that night. You would have missed so many beautiful moments if you had succeeded in taking your life away that night. Dear little me, please don't do that. You're worth it and life is gift. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Finally dear little me; please enjoy every single moments you spend with your friends. Because one day, some of them will go away and it will hurt you. I wish that you could appreciate every single second spent with those loved ones and that you could not take them for granted. Because people leave dear little me. Nobody stays forever. And I want you to have that in mind. Because when you'll grow up to see your friends go a seperate way from yours, it will hurt you so much. Because you weren't ready for this, because you didn't think that they would and could actually leave.

I love you dear little me and I know that this advices will only help you in life. One day you will grow up. You'll turn into an adult and you'll realize that, even though you tried your hardest, there are things that you wished you've done differently.
June 14th, 2015 at 03:48am