Zombie Story Plan


1- Emma Trescott (17)
- Best friend: Kelly Jackson & Frankie White
- OTP: Andrew Davis
- Mother: Dead
- Father: Dead
- Siblings: Dead

2 - Kelly Jackson (16)
- Best friend: Emma Trescott
- OTP: Frankie White
- Mother: Dead
- Father - Never Met (Michael Yorke)
- Siblings: Only Child

3 - Zack Bensen (18)
- Best friend: Andrew Davis
- OTP: Elliot Dawson
- Mother - Sara Bensen
- Father - Dead
- Siblings - Dead

4 - Andrew Davis (19)
- Best friend - Zack Bensen & Elliot Dawson
- OTP: Emma Trescott
- Mother - Dead
- Father - Dead
- Siblings: Only child

5 - Elliot Dawson (18)
Best friend: Andrew Davis
OTP: Zack Bensen
- Mother: Dead
- Father: Dead
- Siblings: Rhia Dawson (Sister)

6 - Frankie White (17)
- Best friend: Emma Trescott
- OTP: Kelly Jackson
- Mother: Joanna White
- Father: Joseph White
- Siblings: Dead

7 - Sara Bensen (33)
- Best friend - Dead
- OTP - Dead
- Children - Zack Bensen

8 - Joanna White (31)
- Best friend - Dead
- OTP: Joseph White
- Children: Frankie White

9 - Rhia Dawson (25)
- Best friend: Dead
- OTP: Jeremy Ashby
- Children - None
- Siblings - Elliot Dawson

10 - Joseph White (33)
- Best friend: Dead
- OTP: Joanna White
- Children: Frankie White

11- Jeremy Ashby (28)
- Best friend - Michael Yorke
- OTP: Rhia Dawson
- Children: None

12 - Michael Yorke (32)
- Best friend: Jeremy Ashby
- OTP: Dead
- Children: Never Met (Kelly Jackson)

13 - William Clarke (36)
- Best Friend: Dead
OTP: None
Children: None
(This guy is the dick of the group, they find him and he's the one who always does the wrong thing)

14 - Aaron Thomas (32)
- Best Friend: Dead
- OTP: Dead
- Children: Dead
(This guy is the one who ends up dying to distract a horde of zombies so everyone can escape)
June 14th, 2015 at 11:30pm