No Excuses, No Explanations (AKA: Hello Again!)

Yeah, so I dropped off the face of the earth. Again. Really this is like a bad habit but whatever. Things happen. Planning to get back on track. All that jazz.

Apologies to anyone who wanted an update on FFtS, Blood Relations or really anything.

Gonna use the Writing Cup to keep motivated because honestly if I don't do something with my life right now I'm gonna explode and I don't exactly trust myself to stay motivated solely on the threat of spontaneous combustion. Not now at least.

So yeah Mibba, it's good to be back. Hope to stay on track and all that. Repeating myself because I wrote this stream of conscious on nine hours of sleep in the past three days and far too much coffee. Never knew there was a such thing but there is. Never let anyone tell you otherwise, for obviously they have never had their heart buzz-saw through their chest or their stomach tied around their vocal cords. No. I am not kidding.

So yeah, I'm pulling an Eddie Izzard, except without the deliciously dry humor, so I'm just gonna end this here and save myself the embarrassment.


Or war, if you lean that way.
June 15th, 2015 at 02:24am