I Think I Owe You All an Explanation... | Updates

Hey all...

So, for the past 4 or so months, I've been pretty lax with the whole 'getting on Mibba' thing and for that, I apologise a million times over. I am really really sorry. I literally have no wifi at home and so I'm refrained to using my phone to get on and see what's new. I also have been procrastinating writing. Believe it or not, but I've hit a sort of writer's block and that's just made me not want to write as much. It sucks so much. I just want to finish all of my stories that I have on here. But, I can't and it's so fucking annoying.

Next month, I'll also be starting university, so that means I'll be on even less that I am now. Sorry again. I gotta quit apologising for things out of my control. I'm doing a Bachelor of Arts (similar to General Studies, really) and my subject are Criminological Perspectives, Creative Writing, Children's Lit Fantasy/Realism and English Literature II. I can honestly say I'm looking forward to it. I'm so goddamn nervous though. That's to be expected, apparently. My course lasts for three years, then I'll be looking into a post-graduate course in teaching.

Oh, also, on Friday I'll be getting my helix pierced. Something I've wanted for at least two years now, so there's that.

Onto updates for my stories... I'm slowly getting there. I'm halfway through my chapter for Love Bites, that should be written when I get home from visiting my best friend. Hopefully...

Anywhore, I'm just gonna post random pictures, now.


June 15th, 2015 at 12:04pm