Graduating in Eight Days

I've been really absence for a looooong time and the reason is that I'm in the middle of an exam period, and I will be graduating in eight days (June 24th) and I literally can't wait anymore!
- I've got two more exams; Culture Class (History, Religion, Society class) and Danish class, and then I'll finally get my degree and I'm able to wear my graduation hat for 1-2 weeks.

You see; It's a tradition in Denmark, that when you get your hat on you'll wear it for about 1-2 weeks. As well as when you've graduated you rent an old truck and drive around to every student of the class' parents, get something to eat and get drunk. - And yes, everyone will be 18+ years old! So nothing will be illegal.

Anyway, I'm just really proud of that hat - and I can't help but think about the big difference there is from the American graduation hats to the Danish ones. I'll put in some pictures here so you can see my hat before I get to wear it :D

^ What is looks like on the front.

^ What is looks like in the back.

^ What it looks like on the top (mine is an anniversary hat, therefore it says 150 years)

^ Detail from the front.

^ Anniversary badge on the site

^ Class badge on the other site (2Q is the name of my class)

^ What it looks like on the inside.

^ A small pocket on the inside of the hat.

^ Inside there is some rules written. Rules you "have to" follow when wearing your hat.

^ Extra stuff that came with the hat. There's a glass, a pen (where on it says: "Student 2015) and a extra thing (I really don't know the English word) for my hat if it gets dirty.

^ My glass where it says "Student 2015 Duuude" on it (the 'Duuude' thing is a joke between my bff and I).

I guess I'm just a little too proud of this - sorry!
- Anyway, that's itfor now. I might be back before June 24th, or else I'll be back on that exact day!

Peace out! :D
June 16th, 2015 at 02:56pm