Ricky's guide to cheering the hell up.

Now I know what you might be thinking, or maybe you're not thinking at all.

Ricky! Fuck you! What do you know about my pain/sadness/other unhappy state?!

Well, nothing, to be honest. I don't know every single one of you, but I'm truly sorry and unhappy that you are unhappy. Because of this, I thought to myself, "Hey! I've got nothing to do at the moment besides eat these crackers! Why don't I share things I do to make me happy like some sort of shitty therapist?!"

And that is what I shall do.

1. Pet a cat. I don't know if everyone here has ever seen a cat before, but my goodness are they hilarious. Yes, they're cute and cuddly and when they purr on your chest you can feel your heart melt, but most importantly, they are probably the funniest animals on the planet. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth not too long ago, and my pal Furball jumps onto the sink counter and reaches his paw out to me. Naturally, I high fived him and began to pet him. He enjoyed this so much he stepped closer and flew off the counter and ran right into the bathroom wall. I immediately started cracking up and he took off as if saying, "Oh geeze I'm so embarrassed." So yes, go on and pet a cat, or maybe a dog if cats don't like you (although I find dogs to be more of a stupid/goofy kind of funny)! You can take comfort in the fact that you're not a silly cat

2. Listen to depressing music. I find it really weird that some people listen to happy music when they're sad. That makes absolutely no sense to me. I personally find happy music to be insulting when I'm sad, as if the band is saying, "Hey dude! We're happy, why aren't you?!" Because of this, I suggest that you listen to some totally morbid and moody stuff when you're not feeling up (not like that, ya perv), because you can like...identify, ya know? Just don't go and do somethin' crazy. Nobody wants that. And if you don't believe that, I'm telling you that I don't want that.

3. Drink some juice. I challenge anyone to say to me with a straight face that there isn't an absolutely delicious form of juice out there and that they hate every single form of juice. I declare it impossible. Apple juice is my personal favorite.

4. Play some music yourself! I recommend this to people who enjoy playing their own music and are comfortable with the sounds they produce, because I know playing my guitar pisses me off because I am bad. But regardless of if you know how to play an instrument or not, just making nice sounds can be soothing and can ease tension and whatnot. And then you can write a song and BAM you are creative.

Well, I hope at least one of these helps you out, especially the cat one. But I understand if they don't, ya know? I mean, not everyone likes cats (although I don't see how this is possible) and I get the feeling some of my suggestions might be seen as stupid, but hey, I just thought I'd share! On an actual like serious note, the most important thing to do is to talk to someone about your feelings! There's always at least one person that's willing to listen and help you. Hell, you can even leave me a comment! Don't keep all that sadness inside! Now go pet a kitty.

Go on.

Do it.
October 8th, 2007 at 10:15am