Writer's Block, and How to Get Rid of It

It's past midnight and your tired red eyes stare at the computer screen, not having a clue what to write about. This irritating experience is commonly called 'Writer's block' which sometimes tortures most, if not all writers at some stage. The lack of inspiration or imagination can be an extremely annoying situation. Luckily, you might find some tips in this blog to help you out of this inspirationless time. So with no further adieu, here are a few tips to get rid of writer's block:

1. Move to a quieter room

Distractions can happen all around us and we don't even realize. Whether writing or studying, people find it helpful when they move to a more peaceful room where distractions are at a minimum, and the writer has a clear space to think. As sounds from the outside ( the room ) are much easier to focus on than our thoughts, that is why a quiet room is ideal for the imagination.

2. Map out your thoughts ( Mind Map )

Mind Maps or spider diagrams are an excellent way to visualize your thoughts of what you want to write. You could do this by drawing your idea on a blank page with a circle around it, with other little ideas coming out of it. This is good because you ( or the writer ) are not just thinking a thought, but also seeing it with your eyes. This occupies your eyes so you're not only focusing on your writing with one thing ( your mind ) but your eyes too.

3. Get out, clear your head

The outdoors hold the most amount of inspiration you'll ever find! So it's a great choice to go for a walk in the park or a long car trip where you visualize your ideas in the grass, trees, sky etc. This will surely light the fire in your eye.

4. Inspiration from pictures or art

Looking at art/drawings is a wide scource of inspiration. For example, as the old saying goes; ''A picture says more than a thousand words'' We gather much more than a thousand words from a picture. A way you could do this by is by looking up images or drawings ( I recommend digital drawings ) in the fantasy section and just observing and letting in new thoughts and ideas, and this is why a picture is one of the best scources of inspiration.
June 19th, 2015 at 09:01pm