Bucket Gardening: New Update

Look, our tomato has sprouted! (It took six days):

Also our potato sprouts are getting bigger, though I'm worried. I believe our rainy/flooding season is passing us for a bit and now mother nature is bringing the heat. It's supposed to be in the 90's for the next two weeks, and yes I do put them in the shade when I get up and about. They're on the porch at the moment which is covered, I mean the sun still get's to them but not as harshly I suppose. Here's are good growth:

And here's the little one lagging behind, I had to dig a bit to find it, so I left the top uncovered.

I haven't had to water them in a couple of days because the soil has been moist every day I check it. This heat, however; makes me think I'll be watering every day.
June 20th, 2015 at 01:41am