I Am So Excited Right Now

I just posted the prologue to my new story Let's Make a Deal.

Now, before you press that Back button and think, "Oh, she's just shamelessly reccing her own story," let me preface it with this: this journal is not to get you to read my story. I'm not looking for comments or subscribers or readers or recs. Not one bit. And that's a first for me, or at least a first in a long, long time.

No, this journal is about my excitement of actually being excited to write this story. This story for ME, not for the readers. For the first time in a long time, I've actually enjoyed writing the story just to write it and get it all down on paper. Hell, I've already written up through the fourth chapter. Typically, in the past when I used to write on here all the time, I wouldn't even START the next chapter until I'd gotten a comment from someone.

Which is not to say I don't want people to read and enjoy it! Of course, I want all the feedback I can get and hear that people enjoy the story like any other writers! It's just such a good feeling, knowing I'm so interested in my own story that I don't need that affirmation.

Do you guys have a story you love/loved to write?
June 20th, 2015 at 03:20am