Bucket Gardening: Update

Alright well look at my potatoes! They seem like they're doing pretty good, I don't know what's going on underneath the soil, but the leaves look nice, haha. I added more soil today and watered them as well as spread some salt around the plants and sprayed them with the soap:water mixture. The addition of the soil allowed me to add the beer bottle of water in comfortably now. I just have to make sure and take it out when the leaves begin to yellow.

My poor, poor, tomato sprouts!! :((((( One of the sprouts died away (circled) I took Join The Masquerade's advice on the mini green house and added cheesecloth on top to let the plant get some air to keep it cool.

I trimmed some leaves off of my basil and threw in the buckets, I'm thinking of planting some dadgum marigolds. I am sick of these mosquitoes! Though I might get some lavender, lavender is so pretty! Oh! And I was thinking of making some raised beds (eventually) with cinder blocks! That way I could plant some of the flowers that keep pests away around my veggies.
June 28th, 2015 at 04:28am