
I didn't have PT until this afternoon, which threw me a bit off, but it went well. I've definitely made progress from last week. Although it was painful, I used my left leg more so my right leg didn't get sore, which was really nice.

I also registered for Gishwhes. (Am I breaking a rule by typing it like that, I totally didn't understand that commandment...) I created a team and sent my ex an invite because I was telling him about the event and he said it sounded cool. If you think you might want to join in on the fun, my team name is Michael Westen (it told me to put any name down, so that shouldn't surprise anyone.)

[ questions. ]
1. Do you know what Gishwhes is? :)
2. Have you participated?
3. Are you a fan of Misha Collins?
June 30th, 2015 at 03:28am