Familiar Ghosts of Summer Nights

I'm kind of living the good life at this moment.
This is me: It's a Summer night, all of my dear family is home, we are having a good time. I decided to go out to our gorgeous backyard and sit in in the gazebo, laptop on the table, writing while the sky sky drizzles with warm rain and crickets softly chirp. I have tea to drink in a big mug and I'm listening to relaxing celtic music while I write. I have my dog by my side. It's one of those nights; one of the best. I feel blessed.

Now I will address my last poem. I am trying out sonnets because I remember in high school loving Shakespeare's sonnets. I wanted to try to stick to a solid structure. I think I will write some more. I also like writing about nostalgic themes which works well for a sonnet I think.

Around two nights ago I had a dream about an ex lover/friend. I hadn't thought about him for a while. The departure from each other's lives was amicable, and we never really spoke again for certain reasons. But we said that maybe some day we would see each other again and catch up. I don't quite remember what happened in the dream. When I dream, I mostly remember feelings. The dream felt warm and safe. He was talking to me and I think we might have been in a car. But when I woke up, I suddenly really missed him. Not in a romantic way; I have a boyfriend now. But we were pretty close and I missed that friendly relationship we had.

So I decide to look him up on Facebook, because everyone now has that, right? Only not him. I google his name, old usernames, even his family members, and hardly anything showed up, and nothing I could use to get in touch again. I had long lost his phone number. I started to get nervous. Was I never going to see him again in my life? That's so weird to think about, never seeing someone ever again, especially if you used to be so close.

Then I got to thinking about all of the people whom I've known, whether well or briefly, that I will probably never see again. Then it's like, to me they just live in old photographs and memories, and they're still going on with their lives, but in my life, that's all they are. And that's all I am to them. We've changed and become different people, different from how we were when we had those encounters. But to them, I'm still that same person, and they are to me. It's crazy. I almost can't stand to think about it. I want to see everyone again, everyone whom I was once friends with, and everyone who has made an impact on my life somehow, even in the smallest way. My best friend moved away a few years ago and I haven't seen her since. My other close friend is moving away soon. Sometimes I just feel like the world is too big... and I can only find comfort in my own mind, where I can revisit old friends but only how they were then. Familiar ghosts.

But then I breathe in the cool air of this Summer night, and again I am back in the present, where the raindrops sprinkle pieces of solace upon my skin.
July 10th, 2015 at 08:16am