Jamie's All Over Where?!

I have always wondered what it was like to interview the wife of my favorite celebrities. Since I was a little girl, I imagined interviewing Barney's wife and finding out what it was like to be married to the most fabulous purple dinosaur ever.

I can't interview Barney's wife because I'm pretty sure Barney was gay, but I can interview the next best thing: JamieAllOver, who is the future wife of Jack Barakat. Jamie has been my soulmate since Day 1 in the womb when we were born in the same hospital, on the same day, at the same time, in the same year (ignore the fact that she's 18 and I'm 23, okay?). Jamie is a bomb ass and fresh to death. She is mint, pretty money and fire. Just wow.

What was the first story you ever wrote? How would you rate it on a scale of Kanye West to Justin Timberlake?

Oh, God. It's a horrible, long-ass story called No Greater Feeling Than This. It probably wouldn't have been so bad had I not used myself as a character... and if I hadn't used POV as in "I'm going to rewrite this same scene five different ways to show everyone's reactions." I still get nightmares just thinking about. On a scale of Kanye West to Justin Timberlake... that's a scale I'm not familiar with. I guess I'd have to put it at an easy Naughtyboy. Did I do that right? I'm not into the whole 1D thing, but my Tumblr dash is full of it, so... it's just terrible and no one should like it or ever read it ever again.

You write about some controversial topics. Have you ever received any backlash for it?

I haven't, actually. I can't remember the specifics, but I think one time a person tried to bash me on alltimefanfiction, and that got shut down pretty quickly. Can't think of any other instance, really. I don't think there was ever a specific reason, just that they really didn't like me? I've been here for a while, though, so there might've been more in the past.

If you could spend one day any way that you wanted, what would you and Jack Barakat do together?

This is gonna sound so lame, but I really just wanna hold his hand and give him kisses and be cute with him. He's my baby, and I wanna make sure he's okay at all times.

Your friend is lost out at sea. You have a special power that allows you to track her by her scent. Would you go looking for her by yourself or send out a search party? You cannot go with the search party and you also cannot swim.

I'd definitely go. Just because I can't swim, doesn't mean I can't hijack a helicopter. She'd probably smell horrible, oh my God. Now all I'm imagining is that one Jaws scene, where the kids are all stranded at sea and when the helicopter arrives to tow them to the island, Jaws jumps out of the water and kills him...

If you had to describe yourself to a cat, what would you say, without lying, to make the cat like you?

"You are a precious angel and I will let you sleep on my computer whenever you feel like it." When you own cats, you start to understand what they really want. One wants attention, one wants constant food and a warm place to nap. Easy peasy.

What is the word that you use most in your writing? What word would you replace it with if that word suddenly became illegal due to the United States government being overrun by a communist country?

The one word that's coming to mind is "love" because I'm the one who's all for cute, pointless fluff at all times. Gotta get my fix of them Jalex love stories. I'd probably either rebel and just post through Incognito on Chrome or be lame and use something stupid like "I like you times infinity."

What are your thoughts on same sex marriage being legalized?

Well... I write gay fanfiction in my spare time, so... I think that says about everything that anyone needs to know.

I once read a quote that said "According to Astronomy, when you wish upon a star, you're actually a few million years too late. That star is dead. Just like your dreams." Care to respond?

That's actually one of my favorite quotes. Space freaks me out (like if I start thinking about the details and all the information about it and everything it's like "oh shit oh shit fuck I think I'm having a panic attack why am I even panicking oh God," but it's all so pretty to look at. Even if it is dead. My dreams are all pretty much unattainable, so it's not like it's an incorrect quote or anything.

If you had to describe yourself in one GIF, which one would you use?

Tough one. If I had to really pick one, it'd probably be:
An accurate depiction of me trying to make my way through life.
July 14th, 2015 at 05:21pm