On the Color of Skin and How It Relates to Our Lives (or How It Should)

Why the hell we cant just love everybody as humans I'll never understand. Anyone and everyone tries to pull the race card one way or the other and it's something that we as a species really need to move past. What if some of us had horns or wings? Then what? Or even something as simple as more than two arms? Constantly quarreling over something as petulant as whose skin makes more melanin due to Equatorial origins is simply ridiculous. Color is nothing. Literally. I denotes nothing about humans. None of it. It denotes how quickly they sunburn and how close to the poles their ancestors were from: it does not denote worth, intelligence, or royalty (so to say). It's the color of the organ that covers our squishy bodies and protects it from outside harm. It's carpet.

And don't get me wrong. I understand the psychology behind it ALL. I understand that this isn't some problem that can disappear over night if I (or anyone else) simply wishes hard. I understand that there are shitty government policies and corrupt members of the justice system. But skin color really needs to be the least of anyone's problems. What about our deficit? What about SOARING college tuition rates? What about ISIS? The Californian drought or melting ice caps? The plastic soup that the oceans are turning into? We're over here freaking out over skin color while our world is crumbling. It's a distraction from greater things, it hasn't always been but it's quickly turning into a blind.

Black pride. Latin pride. Asian pride. European pride. Human pride. Be proud of yourself, of your culture and of your origins, don't be afraid of what your ancestors did. That doesn't mean condone it and follow their lead, but don't be afraid to own up to it. Caucasians have a horrid history of enslaving or killing anything that wasn't the same color (or religion, for that matter) as them but that doesn't mean that they didn't do anything worth while. They invented, conquered situations that everyone told them they couldn't, they made grand contributions to society. But so did everyone of color, too. Be proud of that. Recognize your ancestors weren't the only ones to do anything good while being proud of them. Acknowledge how awesome the human race is. Learn from your ancestors mistakes while honoring their accomplishments. Their skin color 'matter, either.

I suppose that, in the long run, what I'm trying to get at is that the government needs to stop being so one-sided and that, more importantly, the people as a whole need to consolidate and come together for the betterment of not only our government or our species but our planet. United we can make change, divided we only watch from the side lines as problems grow worse. Make a stand and stop discriminating over color, of all shades, and start producing the quality material and lives that come through a truly united nation.
July 17th, 2015 at 04:03pm