I Hate Being a Girl

I never do this but I just need to complain to someone... something. Hey, blog sheet.

Now, I don't really know how to put this into words. I just have so much anger pent up about the single, stupid fact that I'm female. It's not a sexual thing, I simply hate being a girl.

I hate the sort of assumptions and expectations that are pressed onto me by others. I hate how my emotions are more fucked up than a man's. Then again, men only bitch and moan about women being emotional because, I don't know, they're jealous they aren't allowed to express themselves the same way because society will make them feel bad about it. You know? I kinda hate society, too, but that's not what this about.

What else do I hate about womanhood? Um, I don't know, the bleeding thing is pretty suck. Suck. English. My period particularly is just sort of awful. It isn't rare for me to actually throw up due to cramps. The matter isn't helped by the fact that I have trouble taking pills because reasons BUT THAT ISN'T THE POINT.

I'm a little irate, can you tell?

I know it's so stupid but anything from societal expectations, people being pricks, to just straight up biology makes me hate being... female.

Let's be clear, I do like the female body. The female form is just so attractive. And boobs. Boobs are great. I simply hate mine. I like the gentlemens (plural ['cause that's a thing]) too. If anything, I'm more attracted to men, but I wouldn't mind macking on my lady-friend. She's kinda hot.

Gah... I wish I was a dude. Things would be so much easier. For me, anyway. I feel like I would be more efficacious as a man. The "men are strong, confident and emotionless" thing society's got going on for them (although nonsensical) sounds better than the "women are pretty, weak and passionate" one.

I guess, in my mind, I think I could handle the world better as a man. There are different pressures for them than what women face but I can't deal with being a girl. I'm not very good at it anyway. I think I missed the "emotional" part of the memo. I feel bad for my boyfriend sometimes because I don't think I'm capable of feeling the same way. I attach to things and ideas rather than people...... Maybe I wouldn't make a good guy, either. At least I would be more socially acceptable, though. Stone-cold, heartless, mildly-obsessive and boisterous -- sounds about right, ey, society?

Man, I feel like I just wrote a diary entry.
July 23rd, 2015 at 07:44am