A Recommendation of Sorts

Firstly, it feels like ages since I've been on Mibba (though I was never super active to begin with.) However, while reading newer stories, I came across a few that I quiet liked whether it be the layout, tone of voice, or the subject matter. I figured I might as well share these recommendations because some of the stories (and drabbles) are new.

Horror-wise I'd recommend Rub Rabbit, Run. It's extremely new (only the prologue is out), but I was sucked into the story by the curious summary... I'm excited as to where the story will lead.

I know I mentioned drabbles, and for that I recommend Oh Death. I do believe it's for a contest on the forums. However, it's very short, but I liked the descriptions. The beautiful layout is a plus too!

Lastly, Daddy Issues. This, too, is short. I believe it's going to be a chaptered story, though. It seems to be a twisted romance of sorts. The layout is minimalist as well, but it is gorgeous nonetheless.

That's really about it. Before I finally do post this, though. I was curious, does anyone else have a Goatlings? I don't have a lot of friends on there and it'd be kinda neat to have some more pals. My user is 2Chainz if anyone wants to be in contact!
July 26th, 2015 at 04:22pm