I Do Not Think I Can Continue Writing Fan Fiction About Real People.

I don't think I can go on writing fan fiction about real people who object to stories being written about them or even keep my current stories up. After seeing how people react to other speculating about their relationship status, I feel conflicted morally. I was recently living with a large group of people doing volunteer work. A lot of people started speculating about and pressuring two people to be in a relationship. It made those two people to be so uncomfortable that they felt they couldn't be friends or even have a conversation with each other. And they felt this way after people were just speculating about them being boyfriend and girlfriend, I cannot imagine how it feels to have people vividly depicting you having sex. I would hate for my actions to make people feel that way. I have no problem with writing stories about fictional characters or even people who publicly state that they are okay with people writing stories about them.

I'm sorry to my coauthors, I really feel like I cannot go on writing bandfics. I think I will take my independent stories down and rewrite them as original fiction, good original fiction, with appropriate character development.

I would also like to clarify that I am not saying I think it wrong for other people to write stories about real people. I am sharing my insights about the subject and how that influences how I feel.
July 28th, 2015 at 06:50am