"Geeky" Rant

I decided to become a full-fledged geek today by learning Sindarin and maybe Quenya. It'll be a hard, long, gruesome task but I'm determined to be a 100% geek.

I've always wanted to learn it because it's so appealing and beautiful. It's also partly because of Legolas BUT I'VE GONE PAST THAT STAGE. I wonder if someone teaches Black Speech in the internet. Oh, I just found it and they do. Okay that's good. I can't learn Westron or Khuzdul so Black Speech will do.

On the other hand, fucking League of Legends. You know, I was rooting for TSM to dominate this split but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo they had to lose and lose again.

I know it's hard to play in the pro league but the main problem lies with their synergy and comp. They're not communicating properly! LOOK AT FNATIC. THEIR SYNERGY IS AMAZING.

One of the problems I think is Dyrus' champion pool. I know he can carry but he keeps playing these tanks and doing quite bad at them and not having any pressure whatsoever. Sometimes it works but most of the time it doesn't so it's time to try out a new strategy mate. The meta calls for a top carry, mid carry.

And they should do something about Wildturtle. He's just spiraling down like the circles of hell and I'm concerned for him. He's actually quite good and if he doesn't step up soon, they're definitely gonna lose in the group stage in Worlds.

Santorin's not doing a good job either. He should be more agro and invading the enemy jungle. YOU KNOW WHAT? THEY SHOULD HAVE A 4-MAN INVADE. DEEP WARD THAT SHIT. Santorin's not communicating with Dyrus well enough that teams know how to exploit this weakness and camp the shit outta him. TSM's gotta stop this madness. STOP MAKING DYRUS GET CAMPED.

Also, don't force Bjerg into a hard carry. JUST IN CASE YOU DON'T KNOW, LOL IS A TEAM SPORT. TEAAAM sport. There should be 2 carries in a team (top and mid) and two flanks (sup and jung).

Wildturtle should try out Tristana more. AND JINX. AND SIVIR. AND URGOT. Turtle doesn't seem to do well with Corki and he should bring back the Kalista. Seriously. His Vayne mechanics can use some work but Kalista's perf imo.

Instead of Bjerg playing global with TF, HE SHOULD BE USING AZIR OR ORI for ENGAGING. He can use Viktor for damage. Bjerg has so much potential and is so good but without the right picks, he can't unleash the fucking beast.

Same with Dyrus. Don't put him in a champ like Shen! PUT HIM IN MAO OR MALPHITE OR OR GNAR OR LULU OR HECA. Gdi. Go with Nautilus or Fizz top if ever. Jesus.

Lustboy should go with Kennen or like or like Janna or Thresh or Nautilusw or Braum and or or Lulu or Annie. OR A SUPPORT LUX OMFG.

You know, TSM should really focus in getting good picks. They should plan their picks and bans more properly because they can't seem to do well without a good comp. THeir jungler needs more practice definitely. They should NOT go soloq individually often and TRY GOING 5v5 TO BUILD THEIR SYNERGY. Sheesh. Or at least make Dyrus duo with Santorin and Santorin duo with Lustboy.

I'm just so frustrated with them right now that I'm completely annoyed that I even wanted to stalk their house two months ago. Ugh. They don't deserve that anymore.

On the other hand, I have finally finished my collection FIN-FUCKING-nALLY HAHAHA TOOK ME 2 MONTHS.
July 29th, 2015 at 09:38am