I Need to Think of Better Titles

[ Personal ]

I called the Job Corps lady today and I had to leave a voice mail, but then she called me back and we've set up an interview. I can't even begin to tell you guys how happy this makes me. I feel like my life is finally back on track.

The interview is literally two days before I fly out to Georgia, and by the time I get back I'll probably find out if I'm in or not, which pretty sure I will be. I hope I will be.

[ Story News ]

As the writing cup is coming to an end, I started a new story and it's going to be another short one; Probably three chapters at most. It's called Just a Sheep and it follows the main character Charlie, who's just trying to do right by his wife after he screwed up again.

I also updated Till Death Do Us Part. It was a double update and the fourth chapter is honestly my favorite so far. It brings you back a bit to For Better or Worse and exactly what happened under what I had redacted.

[ Promotions ]

I'm going to go ahead and promote something I know you've all seen, because it's always at the top of the My Mibba page. Leave a Comment, Take a Comment. I think this is one of the best things Mibba has done, but sadly stories are up there for long periods of time.

I understand some of the stories aren't to your taste, I understand not having time, but if you've entered your story in the running, I really hope you also take the time to go and comment on at least one of the stories on the list. It keeps the train moving.

(If I've offended you here, I apologize, I don't normally go into stuff like this, but today I felt like it so...)

[ Questions ]

1. How was your day?
2. Anything you want to promote?
3. What's a good TV show to watch o Netflix?
July 29th, 2015 at 11:05pm