The Evolution of a Poem

Prior to today, I hadn't updated my WordPress blog since July 3. I'm actually horribly disappointed in myself. I'd been doing so well.

But a lot has come up. Apartment hunting, job interviews, LANDING A JOB ('bout to start a $15/hr job on Monday!), relationship issues, tons of double shifts at my current job, family stuff (with my family and with my husband's)'s been a really rough few weeks. I haven't had the energy or motivation to update. I haven't been writing or reading or anything.

But I really need to change that. I care a lot about my blog.

So today I finally posted an update: The Evolution of a Poem. About how Ezra Pound completely changed my views on editing poetry. I always appreciate readers, so if you wanna check it out (or anything else on my blog), have at it!

Feels good to finally do something productive. Depression and anxiety are seriously kicking my ass this month.
July 31st, 2015 at 04:51am