Writing classes are crappy.

I am taking a writing class at the moment at school. It's like...AP Composition and Language or something. Now, I'm all for discovering ways to improve writing skills, I could definitely use some improvement and whatnot, but this specific class is making me want to bunch a baby seal.

There's a Word Document on my desktop at the moment named "Two-Headed Boy". It's a story I started working on during the summer about a boy and things that happen to him including a girl or two and things like that (because everything else I write is like that). I got to about 10 pages typed and I was becoming really proud of it.

And then I took the class.

Suddenly, my writing looks so bland and I can point out like 239487239487324687 problems per paragraph (or chapter, I guess, since I didn't break it up or anything), all due to things I've learned in the class.

"Oh I could have used some concrete detail there."
"Oh that needs some sort of rhetoric tool."
"Oh I should show how someone feels, not tell."

It is so frustrating, and now I'm afraid to go back and continue the story just because there's so much to be done to it. Perhaps I'll start all over or something and just keep the old version for shits and giggles.

Oh now I'm starting to wonder if this could possibly be inductive or deductive.

October 9th, 2007 at 04:06am