Let's Talk About Fan Fiction (and Death by Algebra)

I have mixed feelings on fan fiction. Now, don't get me wrong I love me some fan fiction, and if you write/read fanfics keep on doing it because it is a form of art and art is super duper cool.

I love to read fan fiction. But sometimes I stop in the middle of reading something and think, "Is this weird? I don't think so. But what if <insert character/ famous person> knew I was reading this? They would think I'm weird. WHAT ABOUT THEIR WIFE, OH GOD".

I mean, whenever I have to explain what fan fiction is to my friends that are not apart of the wonderful world of fandoms and Tumblr and all that, they do kind of look at me like I'm crazy. And I guess it is a little weird, reading stories about real (or fictional) people that are usually romantic. Not to mention the shipping. Oh, the shipping.

But at the end of the day fan fiction is just another way to express yourself creatively, and I have stumbled on some unbelievably awesome authors who write fan fiction. And a lot of times great authors start out writing fan fiction and then end up writing incredible original stories.

So keep on writing that Ferard, Phan, and Destiel people.

Also, today I went to get my schedule for school. Which means that I have been punched in the face with the reality that I am now a junior. My classes are pretty good, except for the fact I have two algebra classes. But that's what I get for being a slacker my freshman year and failing the beejesus out of Algebra 1. Hopefully I get them to change it so I only have one, because two algebra classes makes me want to slam my head with a textbook. I would much rather take the other class next year.

So in conclusion I should probably read less fan fiction and study more.
August 5th, 2015 at 10:24pm