Satan! Leave Me Alone!

I swear Satan in vacationing in my ovaries and uterus right now. I got my period. TMI, I know but that's life! Girls bleed out their vaginas, if you didn't know that by now, I weep for you. Anywho, I get really bad cramps. Like curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out, bad. I have a pretty good pain tolerance. I don't flinch when I get blood taken from me or when I get a tattoo or something pierced. I can seriously do those things without batting an eye. But when it comes to menstrual cramps, I'm a big baby. And last night, I started getting them really bad. Like I went to bed at midnight and woke up four hours later in pain. I couldn't get comfortable what so ever. And I didn't want to wake my mom up so I can get the heating pad from her room.

Finally after much debate I pop a percocet which I was prescribed for another thing entirely. After my mom left for work, I went in and got the heating pad and curled up to try and go to bed. By the time I was pain free, it's 8. I knew if I fall asleep now, I'll sleep my day away.

So right now, I'm really drowsy. But I don't want to sleep my day away and mess up my sleeping schedule. I want to write because I've got an amazing idea for the next chapter of Riptide (yes shameless promotion) and another scene I'm writing for a friend. But I don't want to do that because I'm afraid it'll come out all blubberish, like I'm sure this blog is right now.

I think I'm going to curl up and watch Supernatural. And watch Satan mess with other people besides me. Seriously with the amount of pain I'm in, you could swear he's redecorating his condo or something!

Okay off to watch Supernatural and drool over Dean Winchester. One of these days I'll work on my two Dean fics that I have. ha
August 11th, 2015 at 04:51pm