Send Us Photos of Your Books and Earn a Permanent Custom Rank!

Hello, Mibbians!

Send us photos of your books and earn a permanent custom rank!

It's simple, just send in your photos of the book you're reading, your bookshelves, your book piles, your reading nook, your e-readers, screenshots of what you're currently reading etc. and we'll hook you up with the new permanent custom rank "Bibliophile." You'll have this rank forever and you'll be able to toggle between your bibliophile rank, your regular member rank, and any other custom ranks you may during Mibba events.

How to Submit

Twitter: @Mibba_com

On Twitter

- Post your photo to your Twitter account with the hashtag #MibbaBooks. You can also tag us: @mibba_com.
- Once we see your photo, we'll send you a DM asking for your Mibba username, so we can add your custom rank here on the site.

On Tumblr

To submit on Tumblr, there's two ways...

- If you have a Tumblr account, post your photo on your Tumblr blog and tag us: @mibba-blog. You can also add MibbaBooks to the post's tags and we'll be able to find you that way.
- Be sure to include your Mibba username in your post, so we can add your custom rank here on the site.


- If you don't have a Tumblr account, you can submit your photo directly to our Tumblr blog here.
- Be sure to include a link to your Mibba profile in your submission, so we can add your custom rank here on the site.


- If you post and tag us in your photos via Tumblr, we will reblog them on our Tumblr blog.
- If you submit your photo directly to our Tumblr, we'll publish your submission, so your photo appears on our Tumblr blog.
- If you send in submissions via Twitter, we'll retweet your photo on our Twitter account:
- You will be credited* and we will never claim ownership of your photos.

If you post your photos on Twitter and tag us, we will retweet your tweet (WE WILL NOT REPOST IT), so all your credits will remain intact.
If you post your photos on Tumblr and tag us, we will reblog your post (WE WILL NOT REPOST IT), so all your credits will remain intact.
If you submit your photo directly to our Tumblr account, we will add whatever credits you include and we'll add a link to your Mibba profile.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in this blog post and I'll get back to you ASAP.
August 12th, 2015 at 08:42pm