Got My FOB Tattoo About a Month Ago

And thought I'd finally share it here:


“Hopelessly Hopeful” taken from ‘I’ve Got a Dark Alley and a Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth’ which is my favorite FOB song and favorite song ever! I asked Pete Wentz to write this out for me when I did meet and greet during Monumentour last year (which I wrote about in this blog) and finally got it done about a month ago now. It's on my right thigh, about 4 inches above my right knee.

I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to work this song into a tattoo, but could never figure out which lyric to choose. And then one day, this just came to me and it was so simple and I loved the idea.

This song means a lot to me too. I was struggling during my last two years of high school with undiagnosed depression… I’m not sure if I was actually depressed or just struggling. I just remember crying a lot and I would get really mad at my friends for no reason and not talk to them. And I would just tell myself over and over “you’re not even mad at them, why are you ignoring them?” And I don’t know, it was just a lot.

Anyway, this song meant a lot to me, and still means a lot to me and I’m so incredibly happy with how it turned out! I'm also incredibly glad that it's healed now, because it was incredibly itchy for so long and it was pure torture not to be able to just go to town scratching it.
August 24th, 2015 at 04:32am