Coffee Shop Soundtrack

"There’s money on the table that says your cheap shots won’t be able to break bones tonight."

The last word - everyone fights for it. We aim at hurting others, bringing them down a few notches. How is it people are so set on revenge, giving the low blow?

When relationships end the first move for most people is to change their status, delete photos of each other on their profiles, and lastly make a post criticizing the person they no longer consider to be their significant other. It seems that people believe that attacking others is the easiest way to hurt them, to cause the most pain. Has no one else realized that the biggest "forget you" is to happier than you ever were with them? Rather than blab on and on about how he/she didn't compliment enough, spent too much time talking to others, and constantly blowing them off, why not go out and become someone better? Become the person you would want to be with.

Reflect on where the relationship went wrong. Typically, one person is not the only cause for a failed relationship. Learn from the mistakes you made. Set goals to better yourself. Do more community service. Have more patience. Help someone struggling with something. Put yourself in someone else's place. Do what you need to do to improve.

After working internally, do something to update the exterior. Treat yourself to a cute new pair of shoes, a flattering top, or some nice fitting jeans. Get what makes you feel more confident has you walking a little taller. Maybe play with new hair styles or make-up techniques. You don’t need to overhaul yourself. Simply do something that signifies the next chapter in your life.

Once you put the two components together you will have a transformed version of yourself. In lieu of crying into a pint of ice cream while watching a sappy movie, go out into the world and show off all your hard work. Meet up with some friends and have a good time. There is a reason the past relationship didn't work out. Stop dwelling on the old and live your life. Be the happiest you have ever been.
August 28th, 2015 at 04:56pm