So Much to Say

I forgot to upload that video today. I've got a few qualms about posting it to be honest. It's not really the quality I want it to be. I might still though.

I haven't done too much today. I've got sucked into a new show on Netflix. Person of Interest. I'm loving it. I like how it's people trying to stop crimes instead of solving them. And it reminds me of Burn Notice. Plus, I love the main actor's smoky voice. Like holy moly...

I also wrote the first real chapter for These Bright Lights! I've submitted a request for a beta, so until that happens, I have to figure out just what the next chapter looks like, which I may or may not have figured out as I was typing that bit up.

My grandmother and I also hung out today. Nothing new there. We laughed a lot.

I got some news about my application to Job Corps as well. They only really received the folder and all the paper work yesterday, so it's in the review process finally. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks I'll receive a phone call.

And as to stop this long rant, I hope everyone had a good day.

[ Questions ]

1. How was your day?
2. Anyone you want to get together with?
3. Ever seen Person of Interest?
September 3rd, 2015 at 01:57am