Born Under Punches (The Heat Goes On) / Same as it ever was.

Five kisses to anyone that gets that.

I decided to not go to school today because it was a stupid idea.

I have to get the courage to talk to this pretty lady. She thinks I am good looking, I think, though. So there's some points already.

This Halloween gum is good.

Today at work I spent most of my time with Jane, a little kindergartener that cries often because she misses her mom. She and I sat together and waited for her mom to show up. Only one tear dropped from her face the entire time. When her mom did show up, she ran off and hugged her mom tight and they left without saying goodbye. I think I'll write about her. Like, a story or something.

Hope and Elodie are other kindergarteners that sit with me often as well. Hope hurt her leg and I hope she's okay.

I can't tell if my anxiety about college is disappearing or secretly haunting me. I did sign up to take the SAT, though. That's good. I really don't want to go to college, and I don't think that if I skip it I'll live some shitty life.

But I'm afraid of being wrong, so I'm getting somewhat prepared. I might not even be able to apply early for the first college of my choice. In fact, I might not be able to apply at all. I haven't taken any subject tests. Whatever.

Maybe I'm fucked.

Go read my story The End. pleeeease. Usually I wouldn't whore myself out like that, but Part 2 was recently finished (like yesterday), and I'm very happy about that seeing as I wrote Part 1 in like May.


I wonder if search tags are separated by commas or like spaces.
October 9th, 2007 at 11:45am