Blogging Challenge - Day 7

Prompt: Why do you write what you write (genre, story type, rating, fandom, etc)?

I like to write stories of the romance/drama genre because I feel like they're liked by a wide audience and because it's a genre I connect with. Fantasy stories I struggle to write because you almost have to think up a whole new universe. I also find I can't connect with and relate to my characters as much, because of the fact they're living in an alternate universe. I'm a very logical person so fantasy stories generally just get on my nerves, because they're so far-fetched. I know that's the point, but I guess I don't understand.

I like to write fiction. True stories are quite difficult because in order to make the story interesting, you have to share some quite personal and deep information about your life or someone close to you's life, and I don't always feel comfortable with that. I used to absolutely adore writing fanfiction, but now I find that it limits me, because so much about the character is already decided. I like fiction because creating your own characters means you can completely tailor them to your story, so that they fit in with the plot and the location and the period of time in which the story is set. I like that there are no rules or limits. I love the freedom of fiction.
September 7th, 2015 at 06:31pm