Opinions on Prologues? Can I Get Some Plot Help?

Dear lord, I haven't posted a Journal in a long while. Do y'all even know me anymore? Or remember me? xD Probably not. Like the new blog layout? The lovely heretic. made it for me!

Anyways, I'm curious as to what your opinions on story prologues are. Do you think a story should always have one, and if so, does it need to have an epilogue? Do you think stories don't need a prologue? In my opinion, some stories need one, and some don't. They can serve as a really good way of catching the readers attention and really setting up a story. I don't really have an opinion on epilogues, but some stories just can't end quite when the monster dies; you've got to add some closure. What do you guys think?

For a long while here, I've not had too many good story ideas and the ones I have had are just... Lacking. I've created some great characters, but am unable to base a substantial story around them, with a good plot.

Well, the plot bunnies are coming back from their vacations and are slowly multiplying.... I guess their vacation wasn't too eventful. That was a very bad joke, I know.

My problem is not coming up with ideas right now, because I have a few good ones. My problem is that I've got all these different pieces that just don't want to fit together. If I've got someone to talk it out with, it comes out a good bit easier. I need feedback, though, and I'm not getting a whole lot of that. (And to those of you I have got feedback from, I appreciate it more than you know!)

My mind's been toying with a couple of crime ideas, specifically more geared towards something sort of like the Rush Hour movies. I want to have Triads and Yakuza involved with it and some other things. Like I said, I've got the puzzle pieces, but I can't fit them together.

So, would anyone be interested in helping me? I have a summary for this story, and some basic ideas, but there are some holes to be filled, so if I could get some help I'd be grateful. And of course, you'd get a credit.

Would someone help me out?

September 7th, 2015 at 11:33pm