Day One; Dear Diary

First off, why are you doing this challenge and what do you hope to gain from it?

Well, hello to you too Mibba! It's been quite a long time since I've actually posted or let alone read anything from here. And honestly, it kind of saddens me. I guess being a grown up has definitely taken over my life, I am about to be twenty one in a few weeks, afterall. BUT! I plan to change that.

So, to answer the first part of this first question, I'm doing this challenge because I've missed you, Mibba. Truly freakin' missed you. I miss racing the time to get chapters posted, I miss the whole losing track of time because I decided to read every single Teen Wolf, The Walking Dead, and whatever other stories I was obsessing about, and most of all I miss having the time for you. So, I'm making time. I learned that I need me time and the best me time is spending it with people who share in the passion and creativity level as myself. Is there any other way? No, rhetorical question. Heh.

Now, for the second part, my gain is that I finish this through.....hopefully. If any of my readers are still out there, they know for a fact that I have horrible ADD with stories.....can we at least give me some credit for my Daryl Dixon story, In the Shallows? That's 51 chapters! 5. 1. 51. That's a huge accomplishment for me, okay? Huge. Granted it's been seven months....since...I...last posted but that's besides the point, right? Heh...

I hope that doing these 'Dear Diary' entries will make me realize that I truly need this in my life right now. Being a grown up is just so stressful, all I do is work and pay bills and there's no time for me to sit down and write to my hearts content. I used to spend hours upon hours on this site and since it's been so long, I almost forgot how to write. But, it's like riding a bike, you never forget. So here goes nothing, Mibba.

September 8th, 2015 at 04:00am