Dear Diary Two

What inspires you?

Oh man. That is a tough one. I'm not all that sure. It just kind of happens sometimes.

My dad inspires me in real life though. He suddenly went blind a few years back and he's able to do a lot of stuff now like when he could see. He mows the lawn, goes to the store down the street, he can waterskii... He's kind of amazing.

My lovely boy inspires me to be a better person all the time. He holds such a positive view of me and I strive to be as great as he sees me. He helps me to realize things I wouldn't have if I hadn't talked about it with him.

My favourite things inspire me.
My favourite band for one. Their songs have helped me through some pretty tough shit.
My favourite show Grey's Anatomy actually really helped me to make better life choices for myself too.
September 9th, 2015 at 03:23am