Dear Diary | What I'd Like to See in Stories on Mibba

Blog Prompt: 14. What are some things you’d like to see more of in stories on Mibba?


- well rounded characters with both positive character traits and relatable flaws (being clumsy and others finding it cute isn't considered much of a flaw)
- characters with backgrounds that aren't always tragic - but if they are, the character doesn't excuse their current behaviour with past incidents. Obviously their current behaviour can be influenced by past mistakes, but it seems a little stretched to say that the character is an ass 100% of the time because he was treated like an ass when he was younger or something. I suppose in this sense make it more believable??
- stronger sibling relationships
- sibling relationships that show that characters are not close but have a substantial reason (I've seen that a character's sibling is mentioned and then rarely mentioned again which could be done because the author's forgotten about the character or they can't be bothered). Perhaps there's a reason why the two characters aren't so close??
- researching something for a story is great because the story sounds so much better when you know the author has taken their time to like, get shit right
- characters that have mundane jobs or jobs that aren't entertainment or artsy based (I am so v guilty of this)
- stories with messages
- stories with different writing styles (my favourite thing is when authors mix up their writing styles so with one story they approach it one way and another story is a completely different style but you can still tell who wrote it)
- funny characters
- stories with established towns, hang outs, places to go, small towns in general where everything's planned out is great in general
- completely platonic best friend relationships
- stories that feature parents as some of the main characters OR the story is about them
September 9th, 2015 at 07:39am