Dear Diary- Day 5

Why do you write what you write (genre, story type, rating, fandom, etc)?

My second blog today as I've been awol.

I started writing in 2008. I was inspired by a soap opera called As The World Turns. I've never seen one before, but I was flipping channels and some guy asked another if he'd be his boyfriend. I was hooked. So began my fanfiction of Luke Snyder and Noah Mayer. I wrote all kinds of stuff: cannon, original fiction using the characters, as well as fiction including the real actors. (a guilty pleasure)

Then, I moved on. I was sick of writing about the same people even if I colored their hair, made them bad, or even bisexual. They were still Luke and Noah. I needed different men.

I created my own m/m world. I write original fiction anywhere from romance, contemporary, homoerotic, action, comedy, detective and a bit of historical within a romance novel. I try to extend myself and push hard. The one thing I cannot write (or don't want to) is fantasy/sci-fi) I can write rated PG, but I prefer R or NC-17 and that's also what I prefer to read.

I write because it's enjoyable to me. I like to escape reality and create a place where I control what happens. I write what I want to write, what I'd like to see happen. Sometimes that's someone getting hurt, killed or loved. I like to create tension and drama. I feel driven to write. It's what I do.

September 9th, 2015 at 09:34pm