Dear Diary- Day 10

Post a to-do list.

1. Get groceries and run errands
2. Get live crickets for crested gecko
3. Unload car and put everything away (I have a bad habit of leaving things on the counter)
4. Clear my workspace of clean laundry and clutter
5. Try to get some reading done
6 Get started on editing and critiquing a friend's story she will publish next year. At least get the first chapter finished
7. Post another chapter of my story on here and one on LiveJournal
8. After all that, try to relax and watch a movie I've had sitting by my DVD player
9. Clean Max's cage (My hamster)
10. Post another blog
Sounds pretty ambitious for me but I'm giving myself the whole weekend.
September 12th, 2015 at 06:12pm