I Hate Outlines

I have a love/hate relationship when it comes to character/plot outlines. I might even despise them. All I want to do when I get an idea is jump right in, discover the characters and their story along the way. But I can't do that because then I worry about the characters all sounding the same and the plot might not making sense. This is not an irrational worry, either. This has happened with my past stories. This is the reason those stories, despite me loving the plot/story line, have became the abandoned orphans they are today. I need to know where my stories are going before I can actually sit down and began writing them. If I don't, I will reach a certain part in the story and not know how to progress from there, thus abandoning the story.

I don't want this story I am currently trying to outline to become another abandoned story. I owe it to my main character to write his story. I do know what's going to happen in this story. How its going to end. I've been thinking about this story for the past five years. Why has it taken me this long to write an outline for it? Because I didn't want to ruin the story. I needed to do my research before attempting to write. It's an abduction story. I have never written a story on this topic. But I want to get it out of my head. I need to get it out of my head. I just want this character to shut up and leave me alone, even though I do like him. I have already done a character outline for him. That was easy because I've been thinking about this story and this character for the past five years.

But for whatever reason, I recently had the brilliant idea to have the 'villain' abduct another boy. He had to get freaking cocky because he hadn't got caught for the abduction of the protagonist. So, I've been doing a character outline for the second boy all day. I have made decent progress. I got down all the basics. But I just hate doing character outlines from scratch.

I also want to type the outline for this story into a document on my laptop. But my stupid tablet is refusing to stay on long enough for me to do this. Yes, I wrote the outline in a diary app on my tablet. Why? Because I usually started writing the outline in the morning and was too lazy to get out of bed to get my laptop out of my dresser. I also need to invest in pen and paper. But yeah, my tablet has been freezing when I access anything on it. It has been draining of battery even though it was fully charged. And it is so charger dependent. It can't stay off the charger because it will shut off. I hate it. But I need to get that outline before November. This is the story I plan on writing for Nano this year.

I am just annoyed/frustrated/tired. I don't want to do this character outline. I don't want to do any character outline anymore. I hate it. Anyway, I'm done. Night.
September 13th, 2015 at 05:03am