Dear Diary- Day 11

Post a ficmix or a fanmix.

This is my interpretation of the meaning= combine characters from two different stories=fiction mix.
I've taken Marc and Jesse from the story Breaking Him In and Emilio and Colt from book three in The Country Series— His Country Heart.
I believe the four of them would become friends when their kids began playing with each other at a playground or in daycare or something if Jesse and Marc had moved to Wyoming. Again, this is just a mashup for my blog and not an epilogue to either story.

"Do you remember our first kiss?" Jesse asked the handsome man sitting next to him on the porch swing they'd hung on their house last summer.

"Of course! It was literally my first kiss." Marc chuckled, taking Jesse's hand in his own.

"Not that one, when we became a couple." Jesse rested his head against his husband's shoulder.

"Refresh my memory." Marc kissed the top of Jesse's blond head.

"We'd fought at the bar where Emilio worked and I walked off. You ran up behind me and twirled me around and I fell into you. I was never more afraid than I was at that moment. I thought you were going to yell at me again. Then you kissed me, just an innocent, brief kiss, but it meant so much to me."

"Hm." Marc caressed Jesse's hand.

"You don't remember?"

"I remember; I just wanted to hear you say it. What made you meander down memory lane suddenly?"

"It was one of my favorite kisses. The start of 'us'. You were so romantic, remember?"

"You became my forever that night. I recall our lovemaking in my bedroom all night long," he exclaimed excitedly. Marc chuckled, then teased, "I thought your dick was gonna fall off. We wore each other out."

"At least we were able to sleep the whole next day. Good thing too, because I had a bad case of dick burn." Jesse lifted his head and laughed.

"Is that why you prefer me on top now?" he said seductively near Jesse's ear.

"Maybe it's because you're a great lover."

"I learned from the best." Marc cupped Jesse's cheek and kissed him full on the lips until they were interrupted.


Jesse and Marc parted and looked to their five-year-old daughter, Avery, who had come outside looking ready to cry. Marc had put pigtails in her long, dark, curly hair this morning and Jesse had picked out her purple jumpsuit.

"What is it pumpkin?" Marc asked, leaning forward on his knees.

"Come here, little bug." Jesse held his arms out. Avery climbed onto his lap and hugged him. She complained, "Brody won't give me my dolly back. I don't like him!"

Marc patted her back and said, "That's not a nice thing to say. Did you try asking him for it and did you use the word please?"

Avery lifted her head and looked at her dark haired dad. "No! It's mine! I don't have to say please!" She stuck out her lower lip, pouting.

Jesse chimed in. "You have to use manners all the time little lady. Brody is a guest and we want him to feel welcome here." He pecked her on the nose. "Which doll was it?"

"Samantha. You gave her to me for my birthday." She spoke in a tearful manner. She loved that particular doll because she had eyes the color of her daddy's eyes.

"Where's Amanda?" Marc asked. "Maybe he can play with that one instead and give you Samantha back?"

"No, I don't want him to play with my stuff." she whined and crawled over to Marc's lap. He took her in his arms and turned her around so they were facing the same way. He kissed her on her temple and spoke gently, "Avery, we want you and Brody to have a good time while he's here. I know you're upset, but how do you think Brody feels right now?"

Avery looked at Jesse and blinked at him.

"Well?" Jesse asked her. "Can you imagine how he might feel coming to our house? He didn't bring many toys with him and you have plenty to share." He waited for a beat or two, then asked, "Do you think you could say you're sorry to him?"

"Why don't we go inside and find him. We can help you ask for the doll back and find something for you and him to do together." Marc suggested.

"Like what?" Avery's head tilted back, looking at her dad upside down.

Jesse tickled under her neck and she giggled. "You could put on your swimsuit and play in the sprinkler."

"Or finger paint." Marc suggested.

"Or... play dress up." Jesse winked at Marc. Marc smiled and hugged their daughter tight.

"Can me 'n Brody have a snack and then play in the sprinkler?" Avery asked, jumping off Marc's lap.

"Sure thing." Marc said, reached for her and tickled her waist. She wriggled away laughing and went inside to get cookies for her and Brody out of the jar on the kitchen counter that was always within reach.

Marc sat back and put his arm around the back of the swing, resting his hand on Jesse's shoulder. He rubbed it as he watched the breeze blowing the trees in their front yard.

"She sure is cute even when she's a brat." Jesse stated.

Marc turned his gaze to Jesse. "Like her dad, she's spoiled." he said and nuzzled Jesse's neck with his face. Inhaling the delicious scent of his skin.

The front screen door banged shut and they heard a, "Whoa!" in a teasing tone.

Marc kissed Jesse's neck before he straightened up. Jesse looked up and grinned at the two men who'd walked onto the porch.

"What do you have there?" Jesse asked, holding his hand out.

"I made lemonade with a little kick to it." Emilio winked and handed one glass to Jesse and one to Marc. "Let's have a seat," he said to his partner who was holding their glasses of lemonade and took seats on the comfortable porch chairs.

Colt handed Emilio his glass with a smile. He took a sip, and remarked, "That packs a punch!" He laughed.

"What are the kids doing?" Jesse asked.

"Oh, they're sitting at the table eating cookies and drinking lemonade." Emilio said with a smirk.

Marc raised his brows, "Not—"

"No." Emilio smiled. "I made a separate pitcher of juice for them."

"Whew." Marc relaxed, not that he thought the kids had been served alcohol, but he thought the kids might have poured it for themselves.

Jesse patted Marc's knee and left it resting there, asking Emilio, "How's the Veterinary animal business?"

Emilio smiled proudly. "Great. It's going over like gangbusters."

"He could support me if he wanted to so I could be a stay at home daddy, but he makes me work." Colt said with a squinted eye and a teasing tone.

Emilio turned to him. "Oh geez, you only work part-time. You'd have too much free time on your hands if you didn't work at all and you'd no doubt get into trouble. You're like our three year old son, you have to keep busy or else you get bored and come up with some ridiculous scheme that lands you in over your head."

Both Marc and Jesse chuckled, eyeing Colt, knowing it was the truth.

"Humph." Colt scoffed and changed the subject. "How is Avery taking the whole kindergarten thing this fall?"

"She's excited," explained Jesse, "She wants to make a lot of friends. Marc's really great with her, teaching her simple math and reading already. She'll have an advantage over the other kids."

"But she's still a kid," Marc emphasized. "I'm not trying to force her to grow up anytime soon. She's growing up so fast as it is. Next she'll be going to her senior prom and Jesse will have to teach her about safe sex."

"Hey," Jesse turned to Marc and slapped his chest. "Why is that my job?"

"You were a trainer and teacher for me; you can do it for our daughter." He joked, nudging Jesse's arm.

They all took a second to slug back the spiked lemonade and enjoyed the sweet scent of roses Marc had planted in the spring.

Avery came out side, the door slamming behind her, and stood before her parents.

"Turn on the sprinklers, please." She put her hands on Jesse's knees and jumped up and down.

"I'll do it." Marc rose and walked down the porch steps to turn the water on.

"Brody has a pee-pee." She stated as a matter of fact.

Colt snickered. "Better have that sex education talk with her now," he whispered to Jesse.

"She's just observant," Jesse said protectively before Brody made a naked appearance.

Emilio jumped up. "Where's your underwear?" He asked, picking up his son to take him inside.


"Colt, get the bag. I think I packed another pair in there." To Brody, he said, "Wear your underwear to play in the water, okay?"

Brodie nodded and nuzzled his dad's smooth cheek.

"Here," Colt said, slipping Brody's legs through the padded underwear. "Next time tell us when you have to go potty." He gave Jesse an eye roll and shook his head. "Potty training is so hard!"

"I think I read that girls are easier." Jesse claimed as Marc returned.

"Easier than men? How would you know?" Marc asked wondering why they were talking about easy girls."

"No, not the way you're thinking, we're talking about potty training, you pervert." Jesse laughed.

Marc reddened a bit and told Brody, "The water is on and Avery is playing. See?" Marc pointed in the front yard to the left of the porch. "Wanna go play?"

Brody nodded and slid down Emilio's body, running down the steps and joining Avery in the sprinklers, laughing and jumping around.

"What a beautiful day," Emilio commented, the others agreeing with nods and smiles, watching the children run carefree while squealing through the arches of cool water on a cloudless day.
September 13th, 2015 at 06:49pm