Today: 10-9-07: I HATE BUGS!

So since winter is coming and all, all these freakish bugs keep on clinging to my house's windows. So I say:

Me: Hey bug....could ya stop?

And they're all like: No!

So I get really pissed off and stuff cause they keep on going on my windows and I'm freaked out by them. I just flick the window and watch them fall to the ground... or fly off...

But then...

THEY COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that makes Rachel angry... >:(

So now instead of politely flicking at them, I slam the windows and curse them off, which makes my parents angry...Heres the math:

bugs on the windows= me angry and cursing= my parents angry= me being grounded....

October 10th, 2007 at 04:50am