Dear Diary -Day 6

"What’s stressing me out in my life right now?"

I’m stressing myself out for the most part. My brain seems to want to take everything out of proportions. I get anxiety over illogical things and I get scared of things I shouldn’t be scared of.

I feel so scared of my current life crumbling away. I fear the death of my loved ones, I feel like death is constantly looming over me. I’m on guard all the time, I can’t relax.

My own emotions betray me. I dream of so many awful things that I’m left in tears in the real world.
What if I can’t take care of my family? How am I going to pull through? What I am I going to be when I’m older? Am I going to graduate? Am I going to wake up tomorrow?

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

The unknown and everything that can go wrong stresses me out.
September 21st, 2015 at 05:28am