Dear Diary- Day 18

What’s something that frustrates you?

Ignorance, bullying, intolerance.

It's freaking 2015 people. Get over yourselves. Gay marriage has nothing to do with straight people. It does no harm to you. In fact, marriage, years and years ago, was actually a contract. It wasn't sacred. It had everything to do with property. Yes, girls, you were your father's property and traded off for livestock. Your bible, your God, does not give you the right to judge and dictate the morals others. You say God made Adam and Eve? Yes, he did. It actually translated into He made a male and a female. He wasn't matchmaking.


Gays have the right to have children. We are not pedophiles! We are the ones that adopt straight people's unwanted children. And before you say marriage is for procreation, tell that to the couples who cannot have children or who don't want them. This is in no way directed at anyone personally. I'm sick of being attacked for being who I am. Homosexuality isn't a choice. It isn't a disease and it's not sick. It's about love. How can you condemn love? God is all about love. He doesn't make mistakes.


Homosexuality is even shown in animals. In fact, it's been seen in over 1,500 species. God created all of us equally. It's about time society showed that.

Instead of condemning what you know nothing about, try kindness. Practice what God teaches. Love for all. I'll bet you'll be much happier. Honest to God.

September 21st, 2015 at 05:37pm