Dear Diary| Entries 1,2, and 3.

1.Why are you doing this challenge and what do you hope to gain from it?

Weeeell, I’m doing this challenge for a few reasons:

Because it seems really creative and a really good way to get stuff off my chest.
Also, to show my mibba friends and readers that I’m not dead. I’m alive everyone! It’s just been a hectic year or so for me. If you’ve read my latest blog post then you can get an idea of some stuff.
Another thing, I miss you guys!!! So much, seriously, I’ve missed my Mibba family so much. All you kooky kids make my heart smile.

What I hope to gain from this challenge?
I literally have no idea, maybe a little self enlightenment? I dunno.

2.What inspires (you)me?

I’m not sure if this is supposed to mean as far as stories or real life? So I’m gonna touch base on both.

What inspires me story-wise is music, seriously, no joke. 99.% of my ideas come from a line, or some beat in a song. It doesn’t even have to do with whatever plot I’ve come up with. Seriously, no joke, if you’ve ever heard Assassins Tango I’ve been trying to cook up some ideas for that. No joke.

Other Mibba writers inspire me as well. I know for a fact I’m a big fan-girl of a lot of writers on Mibba but one (well two) that sticks out to me oh-so well are the lovelies known as nefertiti; & SmilingScarlet. These lovelies need to update more though! Ahem. I mean, c’mon, how could you not be inspired? Mibbians rock.

Real life situations that inspire me boils down to one thing: Overcoming adversity. Simple. Anyone who’s able to stand back up, wobbled knees, bruises and all, after being knocked around by the world inspires the fuck out of me.

3. What are some traits and characteristics that you admire about yourself? What are some things you’d like to improve about yourself?

Well, a few things I love about myself is my unnerving compassion. Under my snarky and extreme sarcasm lies such a warm and gooey heart and center it’s almost gross. I care about people, a lot. I sometimes may have an odd way of showing it, but I care so damned much. I’m also just gonna put it out there that I am friggin’ HILARIOUS. I crack myself up. I’m royalty bow down.

Some things I’d change though?

My ability to hold grudges for so long. At times it’s almost as if I can feel my rage eating away at my core and I don’t wanna be that way anymore. I want to learn the ability to forgive, (NEVER FORGET, THOUGH, EVER). I want to become a better person.

Toodles for now
September 22nd, 2015 at 07:43pm