Dear Diary: Day 25 | Frustration Station

Yes, I realize that title is literally the worst. No, I don't care. LET ME LIVE MY LIFE GUYS.

What’s something that frustrates you?

Contunuing on with "Lizz is a weirdo and has to do the prompts that are breaking the flow of links in the thread", we have this one. I get frustrated by a lot of things, mostly people, not even gonna lie. Unless you know me you can't really tell that I'm frustrated, but people that know me always laugh at me because they can always tell when I'm frustrated af. But anyways, I shall make a list because you know me and my lists.

1. Judge-y people

Okay, I'm aware that everyone in the world judges other people to some degree. But when people are just insanely judging of everything that a person does. Like, I don't have time to dealing with your judging stares every time I do something. Come on now.

2. Slow websites

I have negative patience with websites. WHY DO I HAVE TO CLICK THINGS 50 TIMES FOR THEM TO WORK? I DON'T UNDERSTAND. Just let me do what I need to do in a timely fashion kthx.

3. Crappy drivers

My horn doesn't work on my car, which is super sketchy and means that I can't honk at people when they just about kill me. Apparently phones are more important than paying attention to the motor vehicle they're operating. I dunno man.

4. Getting ignored

This is one thing that I absolutely hate. It makes me miserable when I'm talking and people just completely ignore me. It happens quite often because I generally hang around guys who are all louder than me so I just always get ignored, but it frustrates me so much.

And there we go. I'm gonna not rant anymore because things will get ridiculous.
September 26th, 2015 at 07:07am