Dear Diary | Characters I Relate to the Most

Blog Prompt: 9. What character do you relate to the most and why?

I put this entry off for a while because I didn't know what one character I related to the most but I'm going to tell you all what characters I relate to the most from various TV shows so let's get this ball rolling.

SETH COHEN (THE O.C.): We experience having allergic reactions to the universe and we've both had times where we've felt superior or better than others. We're also witty and kinda funny - Seth's funnier than me but I like to think I go alright.

BLAIR WALDORF (Gossip Girl): We both like control and having things set in a certain way. We're also both great at doing that thing where we deny if something's happening until it literally gets pushed in our faces. Then we take notice. Blair is also incredibly loyal, and I would say that I am too.

NATE ARCHIBALD (Gossip Girl): We're confused on what we want to do when we're older but we're both fairly moral (Nate's a little questionable when it comes to girls but otherwise he's a good guy) and we stick to our values.

OLIVIA POPE (SCANDAL): I want to relate to her because she's the woman I aspire to be, fierce and fearless as fuck. I have my fierce moments, but I'd like to be her 24/7. I relate to her in the ways that we both don't like to show our emotion and we only need a minute to like, calm ourselves down and sort shit out before we focus on what's at hand.

I can't think of anymore but there you go!
September 27th, 2015 at 06:37am