31 Day Blog Challenge

I’ve decided to do a month long blog challenge. I feel like that I only write when I’m feeling bad, or if something is bothering me, and since I am recently unemployed this will give me something to look forward to every day. It will also help me write more. Not going to lie, I looked at several challenges for previous years and kind of compiled a list that suited what I would like to write about. It came from blogspot, Instagram, and tumblr. Its just a mess of a list, but without further adieu, here is my 31 day blog challenge that I will be starting October 1st.

1. 5 ways To win Your Heart.
2. Talk about your tattoos and piercings if you have any, if you don’t talk about what you would consider getting and why.
3. Your idea of a perfect date.
4. Talk about your best friend(s).
5. Your 3 favorite colors and why.
6. Your favorite season and why.
7. Favorite exotic animal you would keep as a pet.
8. Your dream wedding.
9. Talk about your pets.
10. Put your music list on shuffle and list the first ten songs that come up and why you like it.
11. Your favorite memories.
12. Current relationship status and why you love it or hate it.
13. Somewhere you would move or visit.
14. Talk about your siblings.
15. 15 interesting facts about you.
16. Favorite Disney princess and why.
17. A quote to live by.
18. Top 5 dream jobs.
19. Your bucket list
20. The meaning behind your username.
21. Favorite subject to study.
22. A letter to someone who hurt you.
23. 5 people alive or dead that you would invite to dinner. Include full menu you would enjoy.
24. One thing you are excited for.
25. Someone who fascinates you.
26. What kind of person attracts you.
27. 3 favorite girl names/3 favorite boy names.
28. Celebrity crushes.
29. 5 phrases/words that make you laugh.
30. A song to fit your current mood.
31. A photo of yourself and 3 good things that happened to you this month.

I’m super excited to start this, and please join me in my journey.
September 29th, 2015 at 06:15am