Dear Diary~Prompt 24~ Frustrations to Me

24. What’s something that frustrates you?

A lot of things can cause me to blow a fuse, and if I'm passionate about something it makes it harder to let things go. I've mentioned my hate for record labels. Not all record labels suck, but some make me want to throw up.

SM entertainment. I hate the label, I like the artists that they have on the label, but I hate the label. It's more like a slave entertainment company. All they do is push and take, and they ruin people in the process. When it comes to Korean entertainment company's they have to be one of the worst. So a big fuck you to SM.

BigHit can suck something. I used to like BigHit, but seeing the way they treat BTS, I can't stand them anymore. You guys don't know how much I stress over this. It breaks my heart to see them being worked so hard. I know that is the life of a '' kpop star '' and that's what they have to do to keep their fame. But they don't have to work so fucking hard. For fucks sake, Jimin passed out last month! You don't give a fuck right? He's just another walking dollar sign. BigHit you make me fucking sick. I was thinking that the label was the shit. Oh it's some shit alright. Stop treating them like they're fucking machines. They're people. And Jimin passing out was a sign, and they might not get many more. It's time to open up your eyes, and let them rest.

So fuck you labels.
September 30th, 2015 at 05:57am