Dear Diary~ Prompt 30. The End

30. Reflection time: how did you feel about this challenge? Did you learn anything about yourself?

I really did enjoy this, I might have almost threw a fit a couple of times, but I enjoyed it. I've never written so much in such a short period of time. I also had to keep up with the commitment of doing it. It was hard sometimes just to write. And some nights I wouldn't. I didn't feel up to it, and I wanted to give up. It started to get so bad that I would sit and count the words just to make sure I wrote a 100 of them. I felt like after those 100 words I had nothing left to say.

I learned that I'm not the best at keeping up with such a schedule, but I'm getting better. I find it a great experince because now I know that I have to keep my word more, and that helps me when it comes to writing my story. I know that I have a commitment to keep, to atleast update once or twice a week.

I'm sorry to anybody who thought my blogs were boring or not well written. But I promise that I tried. I tried so hard to make this interesting. And I hope that aleast somebody thought it was good.

Thank you Mibba for this challenge. It might have broke me, but I'm happy I did it.

October 1st, 2015 at 04:35am