Day 2 of 31: My Tattoos & Piercings

Okay, so I only have a few body modifications. I wish I had a ton more than I do, but money is always a problem. I will never go the cheap route for anything that will permanently go on my body. I’ve always been more of a piercing girl anyway.

My Tattoo

The one tattoo I have is on my left wrist, and it is text. It simply reads xoxo. My mom let me get it when I was 16 because I made a B in my math class. (That’s how bad at math I am. My mother let her teenager permanently mark her body, because she got an okay grade in a high school level math class.) Most people see it and are like “Hugs and kisses, cool.”, but that isn’t really what it means to me. Throughout my entire life, I have been plagued with depression, or unhappiness. I haven’t had a terrible life by any means, but depression is tricky like that. You are sad all the time about everything. My tattoo is there to remind myself to love myself, always. Cheesy? Yes, but effective. The only other thing I would consider getting in the near future would be a matching tattoo with my younger cousin. It would be another text tattoo. (I’m a writer, y’all, I only like words.) “In this chaos, we found safety.” Would be the quote we would both get, but I have no idea about placement.

My Piercings

I have an industrial bar through my left ear, my ear lobes, my nose pierced, and I have my lip pierced. I wasn’t a normal girl. Most of my friends had their ears pierced when they were still babies, or they got them done around age 9. I waited until I was 15 years old. I think half of it was fear and half of it was because I had no interest in earrings. Still to this day, I don’t wear earrings in my lobes. I really just did it because I wanted to know what it felt like, and I wanted other piercings in the future.
I got my industrial bar done on my 18th birthday. I am not a baby about pain by any means, but that shit HURT. After I got it done, I had the worst headache, and I didn’t even want to go out and celebrate afterward. I probably should have waited until the day after my birthday.
I got my nose pierced a few weeks before my senior prom, so four months after my industrial piercing. My nose did not hurt at all. It was probably the least painful and the most low maintenance piercing I’ve ever gotten. I still love it now!
I got my lip pierced when I was 19. It was on a dare. I was hanging out with some less than favorable people at this time in my life, and they talked me into it and offered to pay for half of it. Y’all, this one was a sneak attack to me. The actual needle going through my flesh did not hurt at all, (Marijuana was probably involved in the pain relief.) but the aftercare was horrible. First of all, the piercer put the clamp on waaaaaayyy too tight, and it bruised my mouth all the way down to my chin. The swelling was awful too, so I basically just looked like I got punched in the face. My mother was also PISSED at first. I don’t wear this piercing anymore, because I think I’m too old for it. I think it’s been almost a year since I’ve worn it. It was cute while it lasted. The only other piercing I would consider getting would be something else in my ears, but I highly doubt I will be paying anyone else to put a hole in my body any time soon.

Day two is complete! I will probably be posting day 3 and 4 together on Sunday, because one of my cousins is getting married in a few weeks, and we are throwing her bachelorette party on Saturday, and I will be too busy to write! I also hope someone is enjoying reading about my life.
October 2nd, 2015 at 07:49pm